Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Adult Children of Divorced Parents | 213

July 13, 2023

On today's podcast, Leslie Nunnery is joined by Kent Darcie of Adults Children of Divorce Ministry. Leslie and Kent will be discussing an incredibly important, yet way under-discussed topic—how adults with divorced parents can overcome the impact their parent’s divorce has had on them. As the author of “Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your Parents’ Divorce”, Kent will discuss the impact of divorce on adults and tools they can use to overcome the effects of divorce and choose a better path for their own marriage.  

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  Thank you for listening to the podcast today. Choose a Better Path is an insightful and helpful resource. Whether you are the adult child of a divorced family or you know one, this will be a great help. As an adult who struggled with the impact of his parents’ divorce, Kent Darcie’s passion is to help you choose a path that leads toward healthy relationships with God, yourself, your spouse, and others.


Meet The Guest:Kent Darcie is the founder of Adults with Divorced Parents Ministries. Kent is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Southeast Michigan. Kent is the author of “Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your Parents’ Divorce". Kent will celebrate his 40th wedding anniversary this fall. Topics In This Episode: How parental divorce affects their children and the parents’ adult kids (Gray Divorce)The definition and impact of Gray Divorce and how the impact differs from adults whose parents divorced when they were kids.How the ministry helps adults with divorced parentsAbout the book Choose a Better Path Additional Resources: Adult Children of Divorce MinistryAdult Children of Divorce Podcast“Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your Parents’ Divorce"