Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Biblical Worldview in a Modern World | 178

December 27, 2022

Many worldviews exist in our culture and none of them are neutral. SO, it is the responsibility of every Christian parent to train their children’s worldview to be centered in Jesus Christ. With that in mind, we are excited to welcome Davy Liu to the podcast today. Davy has an incredibly interesting testimony about how God used his incredible artistic talent at Disney and then how He led Davy away to create content with a distinctly Christian message. 

Meet the Guest:Growing up, Davy struggled with his academic studies in Taiwan. The idea that “you are nobody unless you become like the perfect kid next door” led him to be consumed by the darkness of low self-esteem. During his first year in the United States, he found his life calling: not in making straight A's but in drawing straight lines. His artistic talent quickly led him to work for Walt Disney Animation on classic films such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan and Star Wars franchise. Davy Liu is the president of Kendu Films in Los Angeles. Davy is an innovative creator who brings stories of faith and hope to the world—a pioneer in bringing imaginative storytelling to the corporate world with story-driven products and services, creating timeless content and IP to inspire individuals, families, and businesses.Podcast Sponsor:

Cedarville University is home to more than 4,700 students in southwest Ohio. Students spend approximately 1,000 days in college, no matter where they go. Cedarville is committed to helping students make the most of every one of those days with a mission to transform lives through excellent academics and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. Students graduate from Cedarville ready to make a Kingdom impact in their careers, their churches, and their communities. They leave bolder, wiser, and closer to Christ. Learn more at teachthemdiligently.net/cedarville

Homeschooling for the Heart, How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators. It’s available now in digital form for only $5, and I sincerely believe it will be a great help and encouragement to you as you homeschool and parent your precious children. Go to TeachThemDiligently.net/book to learn more and download your copy today. I’ve been overwhelmed by and grateful for the feedback I’ve already received from those who have read it, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts as well. Additional Resources:Find out more about Kendu Kids by clicking HERE Watch about Davy's testimony "Lion King to the King of Kings" HERE