Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Building Resiliency | 164

October 25, 2022

These past couple of years have been challenging in so many ways and our culture has changed immensely and quickly. The reality for our children is a lot different than they were for us when we were growing up. So how can we help them learn to roll with changes in their lives, and how can we help them bounce back when they’re disappointed? Beyond even that how can we silence the voices of doubt and failure in our own minds and find our own resiliency as parents? Today’s episode is one that I recorded in 2021, and I thought was incredibly relevant and helpful for us today. I'm joined by a favorite around here Dr. Kathy Koch. Dr Kathy is one of the most knowledgeable and insightful people I know. She loves people, and it shows.  On her heart right now is helping children and adults to be resilient, and she recently published a book on the subject called Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence.

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Did you know that you can be a part of the Great Commission simply by packing an operation Christmas child shoebox gift? Your gift of school supplies, toys, hygiene items, and more will open the door for children around the world to encounter the love of Christ for the very first time. Around 1000 churches are being planted each year, even among unreached people groups as communities are transformed by the power of the gospel. National collection week is November 14th through 21st. Learn more by going to TeachThemDiligently.net/OCCAdditional Resources:Find out more about Celebrate Kids HERE Purchase your copy of Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence