Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

The Battle for our Children’s Identity | 143

August 04, 2022

Most would agree, we never imagined that identity would be a problem issue for parents and children alike, and yet it has become a massive issue. Between media bombarding us with messaging that’s contrary to God’s plan to insecurities that arise from past experiences, many adults and children alike are struggling with the issue of who and Whose they are. Today’s podcast will be a great help as we not only frame the discussion on identity, but also give you information that will equip you to parent your children better in these crazy times.

Meet the Guest:
Joining us today is Dr. Kathy Koch, who is the founder and President of Celebrate Kids and has quickly become one of the speakers that TTD Families look forward to hearing the most. Dr. Kathy earned a Ph.D. in reading and educational psychology from Purdue University. She was a tenured associate professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, a teacher of second graders, a middle school coach, and a school board member before becoming a full-time conference and keynote speaker in 1991. She has loved Jesus for years and her faith and desire to serve and glorify God is the foundation of her ministry.  Beyond those impressive credentials, though, Dr. Kathy is one of the most gifted speakers we have ever seen, and she has a gift of relating and making her sessions engaging to audiences of all ages. Her love for Jesus and her love for families has led her to write a number of books and speak all across the country to equip families to educate and parent the children God gave them well. 
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Join us in Teach Them Diligently 365. Membership in TTD365 will give you access to thousands of homeschool resources available on demand-- workshops from speakers like Dr. Kathy Koch, Heidi St. John, Sonya Shafer, Kim Sorgius, and countless others available any time you need a question answered or a little pick me up to get through your week. The community elements within the membership, though, really set TTD365 apart. Small community groups build strong friendships. Monthly meetups give us all a fun time of fellowship together, Office Hours give us the time to ask questions and dive deeper into the big idea of the month, and Real Moms of 365 give us time to share with one another in an incredibly helpful way as we’re all growing together. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to join us there. Go to https://teachthemdiligently.net/jointtd365 to learn more and join us there today!
Additional Resources:
Resilient Kids book by Dr. Kathy Koch

Prayers for my Children Resource from Teach Them Diligently
Identity Verses Printable from Teach Them Diligently