Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

11 Tips for Homeschool Success | 116

April 19, 2022

This is the time of year when I have historically struggled with finishing strong while looking ahead—both to a break for the summer and to make things better for next school year. So, today we’re going to be talking all about some tips for homeschool success that you can easily incorporate right now—and then use to plan ahead for next year. 

11 Homeschool Success Tips

Start the day with the right focus. Share what God is teaching you. Pray and sing together. Even if you don’t do Bible class first, start each day with prayer. You can lead it or take turns praying aloud.
Mix Things Up. Incorporate multiple learning styles. Many curriculum and workbooks incorporate the different learning styles, but feel free to add more learning games, reading out loud, experiments, etc. Taking advantage of the different styles of learning (hearing, seeing, and doing) creates a well-rounded education and improves retention.
Organize Somehow. The best way to stay on track is to stay organized. Keep a daily planner of goals to achieve by the end of each lesson. Jot everything down, from schoolwork to household chores. To encourage focus, try to keep your school space organized, too.
Work with a mentor. Look to other homeschool parents for advice and help. As you get more experience yourself, look for someone you can mentor. Teach Them Diligently365 was set up to provide you with resources and mentors all year long.
Join a homeschool group. Join with other homeschoolers or co-ops in your area to provide support for each other. Along with offering teaching resources, these groups give your children a chance to socialize with others.
Don’t take on too much. Saying yes to too many extracurriculars can leave you and your kids tired and overwhelmed. Participate in what really matters to your family, and evaluate your commitments throughout the year to see if something should go. Recognize that some opportunities are perfect-- they're just not for this season of your life.
Understand your family's rhythm. Organize your day and when you approach the subjects at times that will work best for your family. 
Keep it fun. Look for creative ways to make learning fun. Younger children might enjoy having dolls or stuffed animals in the classroom. You can ask these other “students” questions and have your child answer for them in different voices. Video your older children pretending to be news anchors as they deliver “news”
that might correspond with a history lesson or book report.
Take breaks. There will be times when you and your children get frustrated. Don’t be discouraged! Take a break. Go outside for some sunshine and fresh air, get a snack, or play a game together.
Realize the curriculum is there to serve you. Use it as a guide instead of a master. You’re in control of your homeschooling, not your lesson plans or suggested daily schedule.
Plan ahead. Start looking ahead to the next year. Join us for a Teach Them Diligently event, in Heart School, or in TTD365 all year long to get prepared and stay prepared.

Additional Resources:
Find more information about "Christian Homeschooling Defined" by clicking HERE.

With so many families homeschooling now—and people approaching home education from a myriad of different world views, it is absolutely critical that your family has a solid foundation for what you’re doing—and a clearly defined goal for where you’re going. So, I invite you to join me for Heart School. This training class for Christian homeschooling parents will help you define your mission and then see practically how that applies to your day to day choices. We’ll cover relational and personal growth issues, as well as the practical nuts and bolts issues you’d expect from a homeschooling course. So many have taken this class already and have seen their homeschool efforts improve while a peace and calmness has come over their family. I would love to help you experience the same! 
Click HERE to sign up today!