Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Adopted into God’s Family | 36

October 15, 2020

Adoption provides us with a wonderful picture of God's love for us and our position within His family. God is the God of adoption, and on today's podcast, we'll hear how that concept impacted one orphan's heart and changed her life forever. Irina Creek was introduced to this loving God through Operation Christmas Child and eventually her prayers for adoption were answered by that same loving God. Hear her story and learn how your family can be a part of changing lives all around the world. 

Additional Resources:

Click here to check out Irina's Shoebox Story.
Join Teach Them Diligently Families this month and pack a shoebox with your family this month. We're encouraging every single TTD family to get involved. Get more details here.
If you can't get out to physically pack a shoebox, you can pack one digitally this year. Click here for more details on that option.
Don't miss the other podcasts in the Operation Christmas Child Series. Grab your kiddos and listen together-- I believe you'll all enjoy hearing the stories.

 The Gift That Changed Her Life-- The Izabella McMillon Story
Discipleship Tools For Your Family And Around The Globe.