Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Gratitude for Families

April 08, 2020

This first mention of Thanksgiving in the Bible is when God instructs Moses on the Thanksgiving Offering. This is the beginning of our series on "gratitude"!  So, join us for this foundational study on Thanksgiving for Families! (Leviticus 7: 12-15) There are few things that will impact your life more positively than understanding and cultivating thanksgiving in your own heart and mind. The ripple effect of a thankful heart can be seen not only in you, but also in the lives of those around you. So, let's start today!

Additional Resources:
The Transform Journal will help you spend 40 days in the Psalms to cultivate a heart of gratitude that will change your life. Click here to learn more about the Transform Journal on Thanksgiving and order your copy today. The Most Overlooked Key To A Happy Marriage -- listen to that podcast now to see how Gratitude can impact your marriage. Transcript:[00:00:00] David Nunnery: Hello. This is David Nunnery, and thank you for joining me on the Homeschool Family podcast by Teach Them Diligently where we discuss marriage, parenting, discipleship, homeschool, and everything else that comes into play when you're following God's plan for your family. Today, I've taken over the podcast to talk about thanksgiving, and in case you haven't realized that, I don't know if you can hear the bird, uh, back here in the background, but I am outside on my back porch.[00:00:29] And I thought this would be a nice environment to talk about thanksgiving. And in October of about a year ago, uh, the Lord directed me to thanksgiving. I was having a morning devotion, and I actually was struggling one morning with what I was going to start on. I was-had finished up a study and I wanted to start a new one and I was actually struggling a little bit, and I was floating [00:01:00] around and I came across thanksgiving and it was about October of that year.[00:01:04] And ever since then, I have literally not been able to get away from it. It has been a subject that has stuck with me and now I can't- I can't hardly study anything in the Bible. Every story and teaching that I come across in the Bible, I end up looking through this lens of thanksgiving, and what has happened is, is that I have actually come to the point where I believe that thanksgiving is foundational in our understanding of the scriptures.[00:01:35] I think that it is transformational. And over the last year, I have studied every mention of thanks, thanksgiving, gratitude in the Bible. There are over 160 of these in the old and new Testament. And I think each one of these are instructive to us. And I believe there are a few things that will impact your [00:02:00] life more positively than understanding and cultivating thanksgiving in your own heart. And I think the ripple effect of a thankful heart can be seen not only in your own heart and mind. But I also think that it impacts your physical health. I think it impacts your home.[00:02:20] I think it impacts those that are around you, the relationships that you have around you. I even think that people can see it from a long ways away-is evident in you. I think you can see it in the brightness of people's eyes. I think you can see it in their smile. I think that a person that has cultivated a thankful heart lights up a room.[00:02:47] I really do believe that. And so I want to actually share with you what God has shown me, in studying thanks giving over the last year. [00:03:00] And so we are actually going to go through literally every mention of thanks or thanksgiving. Again, i was saying before, there's 160 of them, and I don't plan on doing this on one podcast.[00:03:10] So, you know, it's, it's OK. Each of these are going to be about 20 minutes long, but I wanted to actually take the time, and I wanted to share with you what I have learned and am learning regarding thanksgiving because I think I still have a lot to learn. My goal is to go through every single one of the...