Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Encouragement for Social Distancing Families | 8

April 06, 2020

Heidi St. John joined Leslie as we kicked off the Teach Them Diligently at Home event. They had a great conversation about family, faith, and a whole lot more! We hope you'll be greatly encouraged as we all navigate these crazy Corona-virus laden waters together-- but the truths they discussed are applicable for any time in our lives. 

If you have note yet secured your ticket to TTD at Home, we hope you'll do so now! There is an incredible amount of awesome content being released every single day, and it's sure to lift your spirits and give you great encouragement and direction during this season and beyond. Click here for more details.

Check out Heidi's personal blog for more encouragement and resources.
Check out MomStrong International. Heidi and friends have a lot of exciting things going on over there.
Teach Them Diligently 365 Members, check out Rethink Your Commitment, another chat between Heidi and Leslie that is available for members only. 
Also, for TTD365 members, check out Heidi's Help and Hope for Overwhelmed Moms. (Parenting. It’s exhausting and exhilarating, frustrating and fascinating. Like all things that are God-breathed, it’s a Kingdom-building exercise. It’s a masterful strategy, this idea of using all night feedings, miscarriage and labor, teenagers (see how teens and labor go hand in hand?), and even homeschooling to teach us to trust the heart the Father. But that’s exactly what God wants you to learn to do. Join Heidi St. John for an hour of encouragement and inspiration that will lift you up and remind you of the WHY of homeschooling.)
Not a TTD365 member?? Join us now! There are so many amazing resources and recordings awaiting you there, plus a huge community of homeschool families to be a part of. Click here for more details.

Heidi St John has delighted tens of thousands of readers through her blog, her Facebook page, her books and now MomStrongInternational.com, where she is leading women through a continuing online Bible Study and relationship building as they all #getoffthebench and #ontothebattlefield together. Her transparent style and her rich sense of humor combine to draw her readers into what feels like a very personal conversation over a cup of coffee.

Heidi's ability to bypass our prejudices and preconceptions allows her to speak directly to the heart of every reader as she offers wisdom, inspiration and grace to those who are all-too-often feeling overwhelmed by all that's on their plate.

A favorite speaker and author, Heidi St. John approaches marriage and parenting with humor and grace. Her passion to encourage moms and set them free to be who God has created them to be will bless and encourage you. Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and two grandsons! The St. Johns' children range in age from early elementary school to adult. They have homeschooled the kids all the way through high school.