Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Are You Still Homeschooling? | 1

February 17, 2020

Welcome to the first ever Teach Them Diligently Podcast. This week, David and Leslie Nunnery, founders of Teach Them Diligently, give you some insight into their decision to homeschool. They explain why they started and what they have seen God do all along the way.

We hope that through it, you'll get a fresh view of how God can use you as parents, as you invest in your children. We're so glad you're here. So let's jump in.
Additional Resources:

Download a FREE copy of Leslie Ebook, Rethink Education, where she seeks to turn the scary questions about homeschooling into exciting opportunities.
Attend a Teach Them Diligently Event to find a refined vision of your own mission as a homeschooling family. You will also get equipped and encouraged to pursue that mission with more passion and confidence. It could make all the difference in the world in your resolve to stay the course.
Teach Them Diligently 365 is the world's largest, perpetually-running online homeschool convention, and it brings all the amazing workshops and a touch of the fellowship and camaraderie of Teach Them Diligently events straight to your home all year long. The more well-equipped you are (and feel!) each and every day, the easier it will be to stay on mission and have more good days than frustrating and discouraging ones.

Transcription of "Are you still homeschooling. What an unusual question."

Leslie: [theme music playing] Hey there, and welcome to the Teach Them Diligently podcast where we discuss marriage, parenting, discipleship, homeschooling, and everything else that comes into play when you're following God's plan for your family. We are David and Leslie Nunnery, and today we're going to be talking about an unusual question I was asked recently.

We hope that through it, you'll get a fresh view of how God can use you as parents, as you invest in your children. We're so glad you're here. So let's jump in.

Leslie: [theme music ends] So David, I was asked before an interview not too long ago, a most unusual question, and it got me thinking. So let me throw out the question for you and then see how you are impacted by it. I was asked before I did an interview the other day, "are you still homeschooling?" And I thought, what a very unusual question to ask us. when we have kids still in the home, we are doing all of this stuff. So, um, I thought we'd talk about that today because are we, are we still homeschooling David?

David: Yeah, absolutely we are.

Leslie: How many?

David: Well, we have one in college. He still lives at home.

Leslie: Uh, he still sleeps at home [laughter]. Let's clarify.

David: He still sleeps at home, that's true. Three.

Leslie: We have three.

David: We have three, and we are homeschooling.

Leslie: Why? Why are we still homeschooling when, um, there's so much stuff to do. There's so many opportunities. There's so much going on. Why are we still doing this?

David: Our belief around homeschooling is anchored in the fact that we believe is the best way to disciple our kids. And it's much deeper than the education part of this. It's much deeper than the place. Meaning, do they go to co-op? Do they go to dual credit or you know, at a college? Are they at home all day long?

We're not trying to insulate them. We're not trying to protect them from the evil school system. It is about discipleship and because it is about discipleship and because we believe that it's the best way to disciple our kids is to be around them all the time. We have stuck with it and we've had opportunity to move on.

Matter of fact, you know, uh, uh, I don't know how many people know this story, but we actually took our kids out of a really good private school. We actually moved down here from Lexington, Kentucky, and when we moved down here to Greenville, South Carolina, we were excited because we were finally going to be able to put our kids in the private school that we wanted.

And I want to say that when we moved here,