The Seed: Growing Your Business

The Seed: Growing Your Business

Ep.45 – Start creating visibility, awareness, and impact!

August 07, 2024

Hey everyone, in this episode of The Seed, I dive into the importance of taking up space in both your business and networking endeavors. I start off by acknowledging the changing landscape of social media and how it may not be as effective as it once was. I share my personal decision to step back from excessive social media posting and focus on more impactful ways to connect and engage.

I emphasize the need to show up in various spaces, not just through online posts but also through in-person events and networking opportunities. I draw parallels between social media presence and attending a networking event, highlighting the importance of actively engaging with others rather than passively posting content.

Throughout the episode, I stress the significance of making one-on-one connections, participating in events, and showcasing the passion and drive behind your business. I encourage listeners to step out of their comfort zones, ask for speaking opportunities, and actively seek out networking events that align with their brand and mission.

By sharing my own experience of reevaluating my time spent on social media and reallocating it to more meaningful interactions, I aim to inspire listeners to do the same. I emphasize the value of creating visibility, awareness, and impact by physically showing up in spaces where their presence can make a difference.

I conclude the episode by urging listeners to make small changes each week to prioritize in-person engagements and networking opportunities. I invite them to share the podcast if they found the advice valuable and encourage them to subscribe for more inspiring stories from successful women in business.

Overall, this episode serves as a reminder to all entrepreneurs and businesswomen to take up space, be present, and actively engage in both virtual and physical networking environments to maximize their brand’s reach and impact. Join me in cultivating growth and empowering women in business by embracing the power of showing up. Thank you for tuning in to The Seed!

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