Homeopathy for Mommies

Homeopathy for Mommies

Remedy Review: Abrotanum for When Symptoms Change

April 27, 2023

Abrotanum is a really good remedy that is famous for change of symptoms, location and the pathology of an illness.In Today’s world, we are seeing so many changes in the disease state among the average person. Abrotanum is a really good remedy that is famous for change of symptoms, location and the pathology of an illness.

John H Clarke says, “The most prominent symptom of Abrotanum is the wasting it causes, most marked in lower extremities. It has also an intense indigestion and morbid appetite. There are burning, gnawing, constricting pains, and sometimes vomiting of offensive matters. A peculiar sensation is as if the stomach were hanging or swimming its water. After a checked diarrhoea, rheumatism may ensue. Another great characteristic of Abrot. is metastasis; metastatic rheumatism. Metastasis of rheumatism from joints to heart; to spine. There is a sudden aching pain in back > by motion. Symptoms are < at night and in cold air. The face is wrinkled, pale, old-looking; feels cold; blue rings round eyes. It is suited to affections of newborn children, and especially little boys; hydrocele; epistaxis; emaciation. Oozing of blood and moisture from navel of newborn. I have cured with it indigestion with vomiting of large quantities of offensive fluid in a middle-aged woman.” (Materia Medica, 1902)

Listen in to hear more about how Sue has used this remedy in the past.

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The post Remedy Review: Abrotanum for When Symptoms Change appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.