Homeopathy for Mommies

Homeopathy for Mommies

Homeopathic Remedy Review: Clematus Erecta for Mucus Membranes and Crazy Rashes

February 09, 2020

This week we’re talking about the homeopathic remedy Clematus Erecta.  This is a wonderful rash remedy when related to the mucus membranes!

It is the nature of this remedy to act upon the glandular and mucus tissues of the body: swelling, inflammation, indurations (Hardening of a tissue or part), corrosion: all worse at night and for the warmth of the bed.  One of the big indications of this Clematus rash is the itchiness and it feels better when washing in super-hot water.

Tune in as we talk about how many different symptoms that Clematus can cover.

Also, Sue talks about the recent illness that has been going around and how people have responded with homeopathy. 


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In each audio remedies are recommended. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these problems or disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions.