Homeopathy for Mommies

Homeopathy for Mommies

Keep Your Family Healthy

September 07, 2016

Back to School -- KeepYour Family Healthy
Even for Homeschoolers, back to school means colds, flu, strep throat, homesickness and many other fun illnesses! Join Sue Myer as she shares ways to keep your family healthy… How you can be ready for the onset of the Flu season at your house! And what remedies are especially important to have on hand for the upcoming school year if you want to learn ways to Keep Your Family Healthy.

Visit Sue’s website Homeopathy For Mommies here



This audio is for educational purposes and is not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or as a substitute to qualified medical advice. If you think you are suffering from a medical condition consult your doctor or other qualified persons.

The content of the Homeopathy for Mommies Radio post or page, including text, graphics, images, or information contained in text or audio, or other content, is offered on an informational basis only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice and guidance of a qualified health professional before changing or making any adjustment to any medication or treatment protocol you are currently using.

* Stopping any medication or treatment protocol you are currently using.
* Starting any new medication or treatment protocol, whether or not it was discussed on the Homeopathy For Mommies Radio show, page or post on this website.
* Information on this site is informational and not as specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problem(s), concerns and/or needs.
* These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or prevent disease.

In each audio remedies are recommended. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these problems or disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions.

These remedies are highlighted in detail in my book, Homeopathy for Mommies - more information here


Arnica for injury, hemorrhage, trauma, to much exercise! You know muscle straining, lifting etc.

Hypericum for nerve pain…smashed his finger in the car or locker door.

Arsenicum for toxic exposure: bad food, viruses in the hallway, chemicals? Trails noted in the sky on the way to town, the golf course was just treated before cross country track practice or a golf tournament, the list of possible times for toxic exposure is endless. Teach your children, that they are not paranoid about taking a remedy whenever they feel they have been exposed to something that could harm them. ….teach them that they are simply being prudent!

Bryonia; for possible dehydration. This remedy is great for kids who are in sports and forget to drink, or work very hard or tend to “over do it” without stopping to eat or drink.

I would also suggest the following remedies to keep your family healthy:

Aconite: for exposure. Caught in the rain or cold or heat. Fear after having seen something tragic or scary… And
Belladonna, for when they “Just don’t feel right” really giddy or feeling flushed or over tired, etc. catch the virus early!
….and they can use their remedies to help others as well.

These are the minimum of remedies that everyone should carry, and learn when to use them!

When you have your remedies on hand; you are prepared to face any situation, when it arises.