Homebrewed Christianity

Homebrewed Christianity

Latest Episodes

Robert Wright: From Mindful Resistance to the New Agnosticism
March 19, 2019

I am super duper pumped to share my conversation with Robert Wright. For a long time I have enjoyed Bob’s podcast, books, and his new post-Trump newsletter. His return to the podcast follows my visit this past week on his own,

Dr. Robert Kurzban: Spotting Hypocrisy and Becoming Virtuous
March 14, 2019

What is morality for? Where did ‘the good’ come from? Is the human even a trustworthy partner for asking these questions? In this episode I am joined by Dr. Robert Kurzban, an evolutionary psychologist, who has spent his life studying human behavior th...

Karl Giberson: Physics, Cosmology, and Faith after Evangelicalism
March 07, 2019

Physicist and regular contributor to the religion & science conversation, Dr. Karl Giberson is on the podcast. You will get to hear the inside story of this ex-evangelical scientist’s changing relationship to science and the church he first knew.

Rolf Jacobson: Israel’s In-Your-Face, Holy God
March 04, 2019

You don’t have to be an Old Testament hater. I know it seems popular and pretty easy to dismiss the Hebrew scriptures, BUT it is a heresy and almost all the reasons you will think of apply to the New Testament as well.

Ted Peters: God, Cosmic History, and Extraterrestrial Life
February 24, 2019

In this episode we are going to talk about a bunch of different topics in the larger science and religion conversation. Topics include cosmic history, divine action, the history of religions, astrotheology, and even extraterrestrial life.

Greg Jarrell and a Riff on Love
February 23, 2019

Greg Jarrell is a friend and hero of mine. It was a real honor to not only have him on the podcast, but help host a little party to celebrate the release of his new book A Riff of Love. Greg is a founder of QC Family Tree,

Brian McLaren – A New Kind of Road Trip
February 14, 2019

 It’s time for the great reversal!! Brain McLaren takes the roll of the interviewer and turns to me for the A’s to the Q’s. It was a blast. Personally I am extremely honored that Brian not only watched (and enjoyed) my film, The Road to Edmond,

Thomas Jay Oord wants you to know “God Can’t”
February 07, 2019

          I love Tom Oord. It is rare someone as intelligent as Tom is simultaneously committed to the life of the church, sensitive to people’s lived experience, and advancing the intellectual quest in multiple areas.

An Oxford Philosopher’s Journey from Atheism to Idealism with Keith Ward
January 23, 2019

This most zesty episode was part of the Cosmic Campfire reading group. I joined Science Mike, Mike Morrell, and a couple thousand nerds as we read through a new collection of spiritual memoirs – How I Found God in Everyone and Everywhere.

Open and Relational Theology Throwdown with Thomas Jay Oord
January 18, 2019

I am super excited to share this conversation with my dear friend and brilliant scholar Tom Oord. In this episode we discuss a couple different topics from an Open and Relational perspective in the hope it lures you to join our Open and Relational Theo...