Home Design Chat with Nancy

Home Design Chat with Nancy

Are you Missing this in your Kitchen?

August 26, 2020

Brad King, president of B & B Marketing, was Nancy's guest this week.  Brad and Nancy chatted about one of the most important areas in your kitchen - the Water Area.  Naturally, every kitchen at least one sink, some larger kitchens have 2 sinks and even 3 sinks.  Brad explains what a fire clay sink is, specifically the Bocchi sink with accessories.
Added to this wet area, the following items were discussed:

Faucets - So many to chose from.
Everhot Water Dispenser - Hot water for tea, soup, etc. in an instant
Evercold Water Chiller - Yes, cold water at your fingertips
Filtration units - Good water is a must. No more lugging gallons from the water store.
Disposers - What not to put in them.
Air Switches - What are these used for and why you need them.

If you are remodeling or building a new home, this podcast will answer many of your questions.
This podcast sponsored by Premier Lighting
August 26, 2020
email questions to Nancy@NancyHugo.com