Historical Bookworm

A Bookchat about Of Gold and Shadows with Michelle Greip
Michelle Greip joins us for a chat about gardening under duress, being present for loved ones while maintaining a career, the history of Egyptology, and her latest release Of Gold and Shadows. Don’t forget to enter to win a copy of this great book!
About the Author

Michelle Griep has been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is a Christy Award-winning author of historical romances that both intrigue and evoke a smile. She’s an Anglophile at heart, and you’ll most often find her partaking of a proper cream tea while scheming up her next novel . . . but it’s probably easier to find her at MichelleGriep.com or on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
It is so great to have you back on the show. Michelle was our second guest ever, on the show when she came on in 2021 to chat about The Thief of Blackfriars Lane. She returned in 2022 when The Bride of Blackfriar’s Lane was released, and Michelle is one of the few authors to host a Pinch of the Past when she shared 3 Types of Victorian Travel. We also reviewed her novelsThe Thief of Blackfriar’s Lane Bookworm Review and Lost in Darkness Bookworm Review.)
Last time we spoke, you were settling into the country life of gardening and chicken raising, including protecting them from an offending armadillo.
- Did you ever have any luck with gardening and did the armadillo ever leave?
- If you had a garden party full of fictional characters, who would you invite?
You are a busy lady with a professional author career and personal life–including twin grandchildren in memory serves me correctly.
- How do you balance writing with being present for your loved ones?
- Is there anything especially interesting that you haven’t covered in other interviews that you could share with us or perhaps there is something God has laid on your heart that you would like to share with your readers?
About the Book Of Gold and Shadows

The shadows hold secrets darker than they ever imagined. . . .
In 1888 Victorian England, Ami Dalton navigates a clandestine dual life. By day, she strives to establish herself as a respected Egyptologist, overcoming the gender biases that permeate academia. But with a heart for saving black-market artifacts from falling into the wrong hands, she is most often disguised as her alter ego, the Shadow Broker.
After eight years in India, Oxford’s most eligible bachelor, Edmund Price, has come out of the shadows to run for Parliament and is in search of an Egyptologist to value a newly acquired collection. Expecting a renowned Oxford professor, Edmund instead finds himself entangled with Ami, the professor’s determined daughter. As they delve into the treasures, their connection deepens, but trouble emerges when a golden griffin–rumored to bear the curse of Amentuk–surfaces, and they’re left to wonder if the curse really is at play, or if something more nefarious is hiding among the shadows. . . .
So we have a heroine in Victorian England with a secret identity who is struggling to establish herself as an Egyptologist by day and preserving black market relics by night. In steps a handsome hero running for Parliament, and together they encounter a cruse, ruffians, and treasures. Sounds like a typical Michelle Griep book.