Highlights with Erin King

Highlights with Erin King

Break Free From Codependency with Carla Romo

March 13, 2022

Today’s guest is tackling a topic that can be complex, messy, sticky, uncomfortable to admit, but so critical to living a truly luscious and vibrant life we love. We are talking about codependency with Carla Romo. Carla is a speaker, author, co-host of The Love Fix podcast, a certified life coach, and an all-around SUPER rad human. 

Carla takes lemons and she makes the best damn lemonade you’ve ever tasted. And today she is going to fire you up to begin to talk a little bit more about what might be holding you back and where you might need to be making some changes when it comes to codependency in your life. 

Carla’s book is called Contagious Love: Break Free From Codependency for Damn Good. And after today’s episode, that’s exactly what you’ll be able to do. 


In this episode you’ll learn how to: 
  • Cultivate the most important relationship you’ll ever have—the one you have with yourself
  • Break free from codependency
  • Explore the motives behind your boundaries
  • Understand that it’s okay to set and change your boundaries to serve you
  • Distinguish between your emotional and logical ties to dysfunctional relationships
  • Reexamine your workplace boundaries to avoid burnout
  • Discover how to be intentional about what you put into your life
  • Release the pressure and criticism you put on yourself
  • Attract more abundance by thinking positively about what you DO want instead of focusing on what you DON’T want
  • Reframe toxic positivity with actual positivity
  • Ask yourself the hard questions and embrace the real answer



Boundaries are not for anybody else. Boundaries are not about winning or losing. They’re not walls. They’re not barriers. They’re not there to protect yourself. They’re not coping mechanisms, they’re tools, right? It’s a tool to take care of yourself. — @iamcarlaromo on Twitter [0:06:49]

If you mentally are just living in that next step and you’re not sitting in today and you’re not sitting in right now, and you’re not showing up and making decisions for yourself, then you’re actually screwing yourself over for the future. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.— @iamcarlaromo on Twitter [0:21:35]

I’m so against cancel culture. Talk about a toxic environment, right? Like we are human. If you cancel people, you are just feeding this negative pool and you are literally trying to erase a human. It’s awful. No matter how much somebody effed up. — @iamcarlaromo on Twitter [0:19:48]

You gotta be a great partner, a great sister, great at your career, your job, your business. And it’s just so much pressure, but you can’t do it all right. That’s not what balance is about. We are our own worst critics when it comes to things like this. — @iamcarlaromo on Twitter [0:16:44]


Links mentioned in today’s episode:

Contagious Love: Break Free From Codependency for Damn Good

The Love Fix






Erin King

Erin King on Twitter


The post Break Free From Codependency with Carla Romo appeared first on erinking.com.
