Highlights with Erin King

Highlights with Erin King

Factoring In Abundance with Amber Lilyestrom

February 13, 2022

How would you describe your money mindset? Do you feel comfortable talking about your game plan to achieve your fiscal and financial goals? If these questions make you uncomfortable then strap in because today’s message is all about normalizing the conversation around money.

Today’s guest, Amber Lilyestrom, is a transformational branding strategist and business coach, three-time author of Master Your Money Mind, Quantum Wealth: Factoring in Abundance (co-authored with the wonderful Adrea Peters), and Paddle Home, and a phenomenal keynote speaker. She’s been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Working Mother Magazine and she’s the host of The Amber Lilyestrom Show, which has over 100,000 monthly downloads.

This episode is packed full of illuminating exercises and major shifts to help you elevate your capacity for attracting more abundance into your life and into your career. 

Amber is a dear friend of Erin’s and an absolutely beautiful soul. She has helped Erin to unpack some of the root issues of her money challenges that she didn’t even know she had and she will help you do the same.


In this episode you’ll learn how to: 
  • Dig into your money story and normalize the conversation around money
  • Examine the foundational money stories that created subconscious patterns in your adult life 
  • Reprogram your learned financial patterns
  • Evolve traditional gender roles in money management
  • Give yourself permission to be honest about money
  • Unlock your capacity to receive abundance and wealth
  • Enjoy the experience of being a desiring being
  • Destroy the habits that are holding you hostage to your purpose
  • Release the expectation that everyone’s going to cheer you along your money journey
  • Courageously begin that uncomfortable money conversation
  • Use affirmations as anchors to choose abundance and manifest financial freedom
  • Amplify and celebrate the financial role you bring to a relationship
  • Embody the meaning of Money Magnet



Isn’t it so cool that this conversation about money is inviting us to look at the ways in which we’re [minimizing] other aspects of our life? Money is just an opportunity for us because at the end of the day, money’s just a tool. — @amberlilyestrom on Twitter [00:09:17]

To be human is to desire. You are going to be hungry. You are going to desire sunshine and water and exhilaration and satisfaction and pleasure. It is just part of being here. What if we normalize and actually enjoy the experience of being a desiring being? — @amberlilyestrom on Twitter  [00:10:58]

As women, if you’re feeling that tap to learn & open those conversations over the dinner table with people that you love, you’re doing them a huge favor. You’re actually doing your children and your future children and their future children a huge favor. — @amberlilyestrom on Twitter  [00:15:45]

If the dream is in you, it’s for you. And it’s inexplicable & unique. It is probably bewildering and confusing, but I invite you to lean into it because through the hallways of walking towards it, you’re going to learn a lot along the way. — @amberlilyestrom on Twitter [00:25:28]


Links mentioned in today’s episode:

Master Your Money Mind

Quantum Wealth: Factoring in Abundance

Paddle Home

The Amber Lilyestrom Show







Erin King

Erin King on Twitter


The post Factoring In Abundance with Amber Lilyestrom appeared first on erinking.com.
