Highlights with Erin King

Highlights with Erin King

GRIT Marketing Strategies with Christina Del Villar

November 29, 2021

Has your marketing strategy ever felt like an overwhelming mess that you’re just making up as you go along? As entrepreneurs, we’re often more attuned with our product than our customer needs, which can easily result in a marketing strategy that feels messy and directionless. In today’s episode, we get together with Christina Del Villar for an accessible breakdown of what makes an exceptional marketing strategy. Find out how entrepreneurs and companies of any size can take action to get clear on their approach, and implement an effective marketing strategy. Christina is a 25-year Silicon Valley marketing executive, and go-to-market veteran, who has worked with the likes of Elon Musk, Sebastian Thrun, and Condoleeza Rice. She works as an advisor, speaker, and is the author of Sway: Implement the G.R.I.T. Marketing Method to Gain Influence and Drive Corporate Strategy. In our conversation with Christina, we discuss the GRIT marketing method and why it’s so effective. We also unpack the steps that entrepreneurs tend to struggle with the most, and why. Tuning in, you’ll also learn about the concept of a pillar piece, how to identify yours, and how to leverage it once you have it. We had a fantastic conversation with Christina and we’re sure you’ll find the conversation every bit as rewarding and informative as we did!


In this episode you’ll:

  • Get to know today’s guest Christina Villar, author of Sway.
  • Gain insight into how to do an audit of your marketing and where to go from there.
  • Remember why your customer needs should always be top of mind.
  • Discover how to niche down, narrow your audience and find your audience.
  • Find out more about the GRIT Marketing Method.
  • Hear which steps of the GRIT method entrepreneurs typically struggle with.
  • Learn about the difference between a sales plan and a go-to-market strategy.
  • Get to know the idea of the pillar piece and how you can leverage it for further content.
  • Learn why patience is key when managing expectations and projections around sales cycles.
  • Explore the importance of celebrating your successes and how to recognize them.
  • Recognize that no one else is going to empower you, you have to do it yourself.
  • Rethink the importance of saying ‘no’ and why Christina charges a premium for difficult clients.
  • Discover Tamsen Webster’s Red Thread Methodology along with other excellent book recommendations!



“We all want to be everything to everybody. But you can’t do that. You need to focus, you need to find what your niche is, and really focus and target that, because then your messaging will make more sense, everything will come together.” [0:08:00]

“I think it’s a problem women have, I believe. We need to take credit, that’s it’s okay to do that. It’s not selfish. You’re still supporting your team and I know that it was a team effort, but individuals also need to step up and take ownership of that and celebrate that.” — @cdelvillar [0:31:11]

“At the end of the day, it’s still my choice, right? Again, I think you have to be able to say no, and especially if it’s not in alignment with your strategy or your products and solutions.” — @cdelvillar [0:37:18]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Christina Del Villar

Christina Del Villar on LinkedIn 

Christina Del Villar on Twitter

Find Your Red Thread: Make Your Big Ideas Irresistible 

Bet On yourself: Recognize, Own, and Implement Breakthrough Opportunities

CMO to CRO: The Revenue Takeover by the Next Generation Executive

Erin King

Erin King on Twitter

the BIG STAGE ENERGY™ experience

The post GRIT Marketing Strategies with Christina Del Villar appeared first on erinking.com.
