Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

ET Contact Encounters - A Wake Up Call for Humanity | Susan Manewich

September 22, 2022

Contactee Susan Manewich has been having encounters with ET’s (she calls them “creator beings”) since she was 2 years old. Her multiple contact, she feels, has been a large part of her lifelong journey to assist mankind during this challenging period in our human history.

Susan admits that not only has she had contact with multiple beings over her incarnation in this lifetime but in previous incarnations she was of the ET realm!

In this episode Susan gives a very unique perspective of her own experiences including working with a golden light technology while on board a craft and how her encounters have been guiding her to both understand what’s happening on the planet right now and how to work directly with individuals to help them through this unprecedented time.

Through one of her encounters Susan was shown how humanity would unfold over a period of time. She feels that unfolding is happening now and it’s time to wake up to what we’re really facing.

Susan’s ET encounters have taken some bizarre twists over the years including an abduction and kidnapping where she was taken and interrogated by human forces. (Watch that revealing segment on Patreon

Here is a depiction of the “Golden Light” that Susan worked with while with the beings…

It’s only been recently that Susan now feels comfortable coming out to share some of the encounters that she’s kept quiet for so long.