Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

THE EVENT: Space Arks & Activation. Has the Turning Point Finally Arrived? | Mary Rodwell

July 21, 2022

ET Contact researcher and regression therapist Mary Rodwell joins Higher Journeys once again to share her insider information on what some are simply calling, “The Event” – A Global paradigm shifter the likes of which no one has seen historically.

But does this event include the presence of craft like objects or “Space Arks?” According to alternative researcher Michael Salla, “…ancient space arks [have been] discovered on the Moon, Mars, Antarctica, and other locations in our solar system. According to Thor Han Eredyon, a Galactic Federation pilot, whose messages are relayed through a former professional French archeologist, Elena Danaan, these huge space arks are activating due to the recent arrival of a large fleet of spacecraft belonging to an Intergalactic Confederation—parked in the vicinity of Jupiter and its moon, Ganymede.” (source: http://www.michaelsalla.com)

Mary Rodwell feels that not only will these space arks become self-activated but will also allow humanity to activate its own higher consciousness. We also discuss the idea of walk-ins or soul exchange and under what conditions such a process occurs.


▷ Join Mary Rodwell and Alexis for the After Show