Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

PMH Atwater – This Mercury Retrograde is BIG!

October 15, 2021

Mercury Retrograde - What is it about this astrological phenomenon that brings a sense of anxiety and trepidation to so many people?

Described by some as the “Murphy’s Law” of astrology, this period that happens roughly 3 times every year, though its motion only appears to go backwards from our vantage point on earth, is in fact only an optical illusion.

But if mercury retrograde is just a mirage of perception, not an actual reversal of motion, then why does it threaten and often deliver in turning our lives, at least temporarily, upside down? Astrologer and near death researcher PMH Atwater brought some VERY interesting perspectives to this very big question.

PMH shares why THIS particular Mercury Retrograde which began on September 27, 2021 and ends on October 18th is especially devious. We discussed the larger context AND implications of both action and inaction during this unsteady period of time - What it means for us personally, as well as here in the United States and indeed the planet.

In this episode you will learn

* Why we need to be VERY alert and in "thought" mode during this particular Retrograde period (AND BEYOND)!

* Some of the BEST things to do during Mercury Retrograde.

* Why this Retrograde in the midst of the Pluto Return make this such a powerful MR.

* Plus we'll unpack the next 2-3 years. PMH says we've NEVER seen anything like this in our human history.

What will be shifting in the U.S. AND the world? She'll share her perspective.

PMH Atwater is renowned as a near-death experience researcher, author, NDE experiencer and expert in deciphering astrological phenomenon from a very unique and UNCONVENTIONAL perspective!

Buckle Up! And get ready to hear what PMH had to share. It's BIG!!!

#MercuryRetrograde #PlutoReturn #PMHAtwater


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- Get PMH's latest book: A Manual for Developing Humans (as mentioned in this episode)

- Watch that now "prophetic" PMH interview back in January of 2020

- Get Sensitive is the New Strong (for Empaths) by Anita Moorjani

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