Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Billy Carson – Manifesting in a Holographic Universe

December 12, 2018

Researcher Billy Carson says if you want to manifest you need to understand how reality works. It's holographic!
Everyone wants to know how to better manifest. And although there are many books, courses, and workshops that explain just how to do it, there is one essential ingredient that we are missing, says 4biddenknowledge founder and researcher Billy Carson.

By discovering how integral fractals are to our universe, Carson married this idea with another: The Holographic Universe, made popular by the late Michael Talbot and came up with some astounding findings that boil down to one thing...

We are walking, talking, living manifesting machines!

The equations, he says don't lie!

You've GOT to hear what Carson has to say as it relates to why billions of people though faithful in their prayer and meditation practices, neglect to manifest what they are asking for or desire.

This interview is part of an exclusive series of Conscious Life Expo "sneak peak" interviews. Billy Carson is one of the featured speakers this year at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo.

This is part of our special Conscious Life Expo pre-expo speaker series. Be sure to visit Conscious Life Expo to learn more and to attend this special 4-day event!
And if you can't attend - No Worries! Take advantage of the amazing offer below...

Stay tuned for more great interviews from Expo speakers, only on Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks!
Billy Carson is the founder of 4biddenknowledge.com. Billy Carson is also an expert host on the new original streaming series by Gaia named ‘Deep Space’ This series is an exploration of the “Secret Space Program” and the types of technologies being used along with their potential origins. Billy Carson is also an expert host on Gaia’s original series, ‘Ancient Civilizations’. A team of renowned scholars has come together to decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts across the world. 
Billy Carson is the co-founder of the United Family of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH). Billy Carson has combined forces with the top anomaly hunters in the world to form the United Family Of Anomaly Hunters(UFAH). Their mission is to provide enough evidence of past and present life on Earth, and other celestial bodies inside our own solar system, of technologies being used along with their potential origins. The group claims to have pioneered two new fields of science. Archeo-Astronomy and Astro-anthropology. Billy Carson feels that these will be actual college courses in the not so distant future.
Mr. Carson is also the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Billy Carson’s space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices.
Billy Carson is the Author of “The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets”.