Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Steven Halpern – The Power and Influence of Words
Award-Winning Musician and "Sound Scientist" Steven Halpern sheds light on the power of words and language
Though we’ve all been reminded to be careful about the words we speak or the thoughts we think, most are still unaware of the very real consequences of not taking responsibility for what comes out of our mouths or lives in our minds.
Steven Halpern, accomplished musician and a researcher into the science of sound lays out a brilliant and well informed thesis about how words can literally effect our body, mind and our overall lifestyle.
I brought Steven in based on an account of someone I personally know who can speak first-hand about how a recent experience in which the words she was contracted to speak, temporarily turned her world upside down.
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Relevant links from this episode:
Article: How Our Thoughts Control our DNA by Dr. Bruce Lipton
Article: The Frequency of Emotion
Web site: Masaru Emoto (on water crystal experiments)
Article: Restructure Water with the Sun by Alexis Brooks
Book: Mind Programming - From Persuasion and Brainwashing to Self-Help and Practical Metaphysics by Eldon Taylor
Article: How the Power of Intention Alters Matter with Dr. William Tiller
Voice Roll Technique (A Short Synopsis)
TV Show: Wisdom of the Crowd
Article: Electrosensitivity Symptoms and Treatment Options by Dr. Katharina Johnson
Interview: Max Igan on the 5G Rollout and Inherent Dangers
Article: U.S. Diplomats Suffer Hearing Loss After Serving In Cuba
Article: The Power of the Spoken Word
Music: Optimal Health at the Speed of Sound by Steven Halpern
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