Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

The Wonders of Animal Communication with Maureen Harmonay

July 03, 2013

Tune in to this "Kitchen Table Conversation" style of Conscious Inquiry. No frills but great content!! Don't Miss out!
It was in the 1970’s while racing and breeding horses that Maureen Harmonay realized she had the ability to pick up their thoughts.

Initially questioning what might be going on, rather than ignoring her impulse to connect with animals, and her apparent affinity to do so, she delved deeper into the art and science of animal communication.  Having been trained by some of the best in this field, Maureen coupled this training with her own innate ability and has since led a flourishing practice of animal communication to help facilitate healing of both animal and human alike.  She has worked with animals and their loving caretakers from all over the world.  They key she says, to making the link with our animal friends is to maintain an open heart and know that our beloved animals are seeking to communicate with us all of the time.  Take a listen to this most touching, loving and inspiring discussion with animal communicator, Maureen Harmonay.

Among the areas we cover are:

– Learning to communicate with our own animals

-Using telepathy to address behavioral issues

-Animals in the afterlife

-Animals and reincarnation
More about our guest: 
Maureen Harmonay is an Animal Communicator who uses telepathy and compassion to connect with animals.  She practices under the auspices of Animal Translations.  Most of her work is done remotely, primarily with dogs, cats, and horses whose human companions want to more deeply understand their personalities, emotional states, physical sensations, and behavioral and training issues.
She can also help with animals who are fearful, shy, aggressive, or upset as a result of changes to their family dynamics or physical environment.  Maureen is often asked to assist human clients when the animals in their care are dealing with serious illnesses or facing the end of life in their physical bodies.  In all cases, she works with each animal with an open heart and an open mind, so that she can “hear” and “feel” what the animals themselves wish to convey about their condition.  As a tribute to her own beloved cat, Casey, Maureen offers consultations at a special lower rate to anyone who is caring for a cat diagnosed with cancer, through her program, Casey’s Legacy.  Maureen also communicates with animals in spirit, always hoping to bring peace and comfort to the animal’s grieving human companions.

She publishes a free eNewsletter, What’s Up With Animals?, which is available upon request.

On October 19, 2013, Maureen will release her first eBook, co-authored with Energy Alchemist Barbara Madding, on the topic of clearing invisible energies from animals.

To Learn more about the work of Maureen Harmonay:



To learn more about animal communication and telepathy:

Animals and the Afterlife – True Stories Of Our Best Friends’ Journey Beyond Death by Kim Sheridan

Dogs that Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldr...