Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Billy Carson on What REALLY Happened in 2024, His Near-Death Experience & Why Life’s Been SO HARD!

February 21, 2025

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Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge comes back on to the show to share never heard details about his near-death experience while on the threshold of death last year, along with a year fraught with unimaginable challenges, betrayals and attacks. What does this all mean for him? What has he learned and what can he share with the world now? We also discuss the ideas around how the fractal holographic universe hypothesis might work, not only in this reality but in the Afterlife as well!

This is a gut/heart wrenching episode, so get your tissues ready and listen to this exclusive chat with Billy Carson!

Watch the video on YouTube

#BillyCarson #4biddenknowledge #BillyCarsonInterview #BillyCarsonExposed #BillyCarsonScandal #BillyCarsonTruth #NearDeathExperience #SpiritualAwakening #HolographicUniverse

Follow the work of Billy Carson: http://www.4biddenknowledge.com and http://www.4biddenknowledge.tv

Read Billy’s highly acclaimed book: Fractal Holographic Universe – The Matrix Code Revealed: https://amzn.to/3EKbp4d

Attend Billy’s FREE WORKSHOP: The Quantum Codes of Creation: https://bit.ly/3X6lzCC

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Join the Higher Journeys community on Patreon and watch the After Show: Billy shares his manifestation meditation technique: http://www.patreon.com/higherjourneys

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⭐️ Work 1:1 with Alexis: Conscious (Spiritual Life) Coaching: http://www.higherjourneys.com/consciouscoaching

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Alexis Brooks is a #1 best-selling author, journalist, researcher and talk show host covering alternative news, spirituality and subjects rooted in metaphysics. Her award-winning show Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks features many of the leading-edge voices of today in consciousness research, UFOlogy and related subjects. This Youtube Channel, associated Website and its content is copyright of Higher Journeys Media LLC – © Higher Journeys 2025. All rights reserved.