Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

BONUS EPISODE! Right Brain Activation: This Simple Hack WILL Boost Intuitive Awareness
⭐️ Work 1:1 with Alexis: Conscious (Spiritual Life) Coaching: http://www.higherjourneys.com/consciouscoaching
Did you know that we use on average only about 5% of our right brain?
That leaves 95% of our brain function to the left hemisphere. As a result, we are OUT of balance AND our intuitive ability (that which many believe is largely rooted within the right brain) is largely hidden and going unused!
In this episode of Conscious Commentary, I will share with you a little hack to strengthen your intuitive capacity that I discovered after hearing about a woman who tapped into other dimensions by using her non-dominant hand!
There are LOTS of surprises and little factoids in this episode that you’ll love!