Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

BE PREPARED! Bashar’s URGENT 2025 Message On Drones, Orbs, Fires & SECRETS: Everything Will Change!
WATCH: Interview with The Extraterrestrial featuring Darryl Anka with a 7-day FREE trial on Gaia: https://bit.ly/4abBsg4
VISIT: The website of Darryl Anka/Bashar: http://www.bashar.org
⭐️ WORK 1:1 with Alexis: Conscious (Spiritual Life) Coaching: http://www.higherjourneys.com/consciouscoaching
The human journey is a complex map of mystery, and awakening—a delicate balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary. In this episode, we welcome back Darryl Anka – renowned channeler for the multidimensional being known as Bashar, whose insights have inspired seekers worldwide for over four decades.
Through themes like the rise of drones, the mysterious orbs, and the fires reshaping our planet, Darryl weaves a narrative of transformation—one that blends Bashar’s wisdom with actionable insights.
In this exclusive episode at the start of 2025, Darryl shares transformative perspectives on the intersection of consciousness, extraterrestrial wisdom, and humanity’s evolutionary path. From the rapid advancements in technology and spirituality to cycles of reset and renewal, this conversation reveals a profound roadmap for navigating these unprecedented times. Bashar’s guidance illuminates the possibilities of this pivotal era, urging humanity to embrace its role as a budding galactic civilization.
Both Darryl and Bashar maintain that 2025 will be a pivotal year where secrets will be revealed in preparation for “open contact” with extraterrestrial intelligence. This dialogue is not just a reflection but a call to action: to awaken to who we truly are, harmonize our collective differences, and step into this era of rapid change with clarity and intention.
This conversation offers a resonant message of hope and empowerment—a blueprint for humanity to step boldly onto the cosmic stage as an evolved, compassionate, and interconnected species.
#bashar #channeledmessages #2025 #spirituality #consciousness #higherjourneys
Watch the video on YouTube
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Alexis Brooks is a #1 best-selling author, journalist, researcher and talk show host covering alternative news, spirituality and subjects rooted in metaphysics. Her award-winning show Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks features many of the leading-edge voices of today in consciousness research, UFOlogy and related subjects. This Youtube Channel, associated Website and its content is copyright of Higher Journeys Media LLC – © Higher Journeys 2025. All rights reserved.