Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

MIB Kidnapping Survivor Reveals Why DRONE Incidents are a PSYOP: Brace for Something MUCH Bigger!
The lingering drone incursions seen throughout the U.S., UK and other parts of the world are still baffling the public, while officials insist on staying radio silent on the issue. Susan Manewich, an ET contact researcher and experiencer who was taken by what she describes as “Men in Black” at the age of 7 and brought to a secret facility for experimentation, has lived through many bizarre encounters including what she believes to be a military kidnapping at a young age. Susan maintains that the recent drone events are part of a much bigger plan to acclimatize the public to an “Earth changing” event that is coming in the near term. Listen as she gives critical insight into this latest set of “drone events,” and the implications for much more serious changes to come.
#UFO #UAP #drones #psyop
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Alexis Brooks is a #1 best-selling author, journalist, researcher and talk show host covering alternative news, spirituality and subjects rooted in metaphysics. Her award-winning show Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks features many of the leading-edge voices of today in consciousness research, UFOlogy and related subjects. This Youtube Channel, associated Website and its content is copyright of Higher Journeys Media LLC – © Higher Journeys 2025. All rights reserved.