

Ep. 188: Dr. Mikovits’ Co-Author Tells Incredible Stories About Vaxx Issues, Censorship, and Exposing Fauci and Others In “Plague of Corruption” with Kent Heckenlively

July 01, 2020

Kent Heckenlivey’s two children were damaged by vaccines. He co-authored Dr. Judy Mikovits’ last book, Plague, with 600 references. He talks about what’s it’s been like to be catapulted to #3 on the New York Times, and to go from being ignored as they blow the whistle on Fauci, to suddenly being great American heroes at a critical time in our history.


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The post Ep. 188: Dr. Mikovits’ Co-Author Tells Incredible Stories About Vaxx Issues, Censorship, and Exposing Fauci and Others In “Plague of Corruption” with Kent Heckenlively appeared first on GreenSmoothieGirl.