Ep. 175: I’m Cultivating the Contentment Vibe. Are You? with Robyn Openshaw
I’m giving you a tour of the house I bought 6 months ago. Because in it, there’s a metaphor, that I find really useful and I hope you do, too. Can you be happy and peaceful, even when circumstances are not what you would choose? Learn how to cultivate the Contentment Vibe!
Check out the video tour of Robyn’s house
* [02:04]: The Point. Robyn explains her house analogy.
* [04:36]: Perfect? Robyn explains that sometimes our perfect situation isn’t permanent.
* [06:19]: Life has its Quirks. Robyn starts her house tour.
* [25:12]: The Explanation. Robyn explains and applies her metaphor.
* [27:45]: Growing Up. Robyn explains how her hard childhood helps her keep everything in perspective.
* [36:15]: Gratitude Abounds. Robyn expresses her gratitude for the way she was brought up and the life lessons she learned.
* [42:31]: Let it Go. Robyn explains the concept of non-attachment.
[Related Vibe Podcast Episode: Ep. 40: Raising Resilient and Resourceful Children with Rob Openshaw]