

Ep.154: Talking Vaccine Safety and Efficacy with Activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

October 23, 2019

The Kennedy family recently wrote a letter condemning RFK Jr.’s activism for medical freedom. And yet he lobbied every single member of the California legislature and continues to give his life to activism for the safety and health of our country’s children.

As it becomes increasingly punishing, online, to speak up about the many controversies in the accelerating vaccine schedule, I can still shine a flashlight on medical freedom issues on my podcast–where Google and Facebook and Netflix and Amazon can’t censor.

Children are now required to get over 70 doses by the time they are 18, vaccine manufacturers have more than 200 new vaccines in development, they were given immunity from lawsuits in the 1980’s, and California legislature just banned even medical exemptions, even for 4,000 documented vaccine-injured children in the state.

This is a very important listen with one of the most knowledgeable American activists. Bobby Kennedy knows the literature on the connection between vaccines and autism and many other auto-immune disease epidemics. This episode is a must listen!
Find out more and support the cause at Children’s Health Defense


* [04:20] Your children’s health is declining. There’s been a dramatic rise in chronic diseases since 1989 – food allergies, eczema, asthma, diabetes, ADD, Tourette’s, autism, SIDS, and more. In that same year, the vaccine schedule changed drastically… and the neurotoxic metals inside have not.
* [16:21] Vaccines are the best business idea in the world: No legal liabilities if they cause damage, the client is every human in the world, and doctors who bully you into taking them because of their profits. And, the side effects create even more revenue from treatments.
* [25:28] With more vaccines on the way, can we protect our medical freedom? There’s 273 new vaccines in the making. Not all of them will be approved, but we already have 72 doses of various vaccines required by age 18. Can we get to grounds of refusal?
* [40:41] “Do not get Gardasil.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s biggest recommendation against a vaccine. “If you get it, you are going to do damage to yourself. There’s zero evidence that that vaccine prevents cervical cancer, and there is abundant evidence that it actually causes cancer.” And all of the best evidence against that vaccine comes from Merck’s own clinical trials.

Related Vibe episode: Ep. 112: How to Tell Good Research from Bad Research in Health Topics, Part 3 (of 3) with Robyn Openshaw