

Ep. 152: Fluoride In the Water: Friend or Foe? with Melissa Gallico

October 09, 2019

Melissa Gallico discovered after decades of cystic acne, that fluoride in the water was the problem. And the more she dug the more she learned about the politics of how this “forced medication” came to be–and whether or not it really lives up to the claims. Now she’s on a mission to save others from a variety of health problems caused by this known deadly carcinogen in most North American water supplies.
Get the book The Hidden Cause of Acne
Get the Alkaline Water System
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* [06:08] Is fluoride giving you cystic acne? Fluoride isn’t just in our water: it’s also a pesticide. And it might be the cause of your skin’s severe acne. Melissa Gallico has cured her own from eliminating fluoride from her lifestyle.
* [11:47] Do you actually need fluoride for your teeth? Fluoride is a chemical byproduct we put in the water to “save” us from cavities. But, it turns out the science on that is very weak, and paid for by backers with ulterior motives. How did this happen?
* [23:31] Why we still have fluoridated water: the truth. It’s a complicated history of corporate polluters, skewed research, and a hasty government, but when it’s looked at closely we can start to see connections.
* [28:00] There are other negative health effects from fluoride. Fluoride affects the thyroid system, which changes our weight, mood, and more. It accumulates in bones, causing skeletal fluorosis, and in our pineal gland, changing our melatonin levels and circadian rhythm. It even affects your baby’s future IQ.
* [31:18] How to reduce your fluoride exposure. Try a 30-day fluoride elimination lifestyle, with truly purified water for your skin and drinking. And remember, fluoride is found in our food, too.
* [36:27] Is there hope? There is hope in stopping the promotion of fluoridation – forced medication – in the United States. There are lawsuits underway, and you can get involved by knowing the facts and informing your local city council. Listen to the podcast #FPollution by Melissa Gallico to learn even more.


Related article: Is Fluoride Good for Your Teeth? Know the Science & the Risks