

Ep. 151: Glyphosate (Roundup): What You’ve Got to Know — For You, Your Kids, and the Planet with Stephanie Seneff, PhD

October 02, 2019

Glyphosate is “Roundup,” but it’s also the chemical in hundreds of other pesticides and herbicides. MIT’s Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, reviews her research on the specific health concerns related to our now having dumped hundreds of millions of tons of glyphosate all over the world–and she gives us ideas about what exactly we can do about it.
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Read Dr. Seneff’s recent publication on Gyphosate


* [03:21] Does Glyphosate cause Autism? The ways in which the chemical Glyphosate, also known as Roundup, disrupts the body’s systems fit with what Dr. Seneff has seen in her studies of autism. And their frequency – in use of the chemical and diagnosis of autism – have gone up at the same time.
* [06:30] Who else knows about Glyphosate? France and Austria have both banned the use of glyphosate, and Costco will no longer carry Roundup. Buy organic food to reduce your intake!
* [10:09] Let’s look into how Glyphosate functions: It’s a tiny amino acid, and those make up your proteins. Dr. Sereff believes it substitutes for one of the good ones, and causes the protein to misfold. This causes a whole lot of problems for your body.
* [15:04] What else could Glyphosate be causing? Besides environmental harm? Possibly Alzheimers, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Even depression and violence! (It takes away your feel-good chemical, serotonin).
* [18:04] How do I protect myself and my family? Eat only organic food – those haven’t been sprayed by Roundup. Drink apple cider vinegar for the good bacteria that might metabolize glyphosate, and get those important acids: Fulvic and Humic.
* [21:22] There are some mechanisms that may cause autism. Sulfur is an essential nutrient, and a disruption of the sulfur system might cause the deficiency we see in people with autism. Mercury is another likely culprit. Glyphosate interacts with both of these.
* [25:39] Animal products might have more Glyphosate than plant. Because their proteins are closer to ours, the glyphosate found in animal proteins might be causing our immune system to attack our own that contain glyphosate. This could lead to autoimmune disorders. (But make sure your legumes are organic, not just GMO-free!)
* [31:06] Even more possible diseases linked to Glyphosate: There’s a whole laundry list of possible linked diseases. Cancers, chronic fatigue syndrome, ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease are just some of them.
* [43:27] High-impact lifestyle choices to decrease your Glyphosate risk: Organic everything. It cannot be mentioned enough. Tampons, cotton clothing, diapers, food… protect yourself by not buying products that have been sprayed with Roundup.
* [47:00] A Bonus Help: GreenSmoothieGirl is giving you $5 off our Ultimate Minerals supplement (containing fulvic and humic acid!) with the code FIVEOFF at Stay safe!

A recent published BioMed journal study on glyphosate:
Peterson, John, et al. “Concerns over Use of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides and Risks Associated with Exposures: a Consensus Statement.” Environmental Health,