

Ep. 149: What I learned on My Swiss Retreat This Year with Robyn Openshaw

September 18, 2019

I met so many extraordinary people at my Swiss Mountain Clinic liver detox retreat this year, I thought I’d share some highlights and biographies. And, tell you what’s happening for 2020’s retreats.

Learn More about the Swiss Mountain Clinic Retreats
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* [01:19] Our Swiss Mountain Clinic. This is the best clinic (out of 20!) that I’ve visited for research over my lifetime. I send my own family members there. And it’s the host of our liver detox retreat, where we spend an amazing time together getting a liver flush and directions for our health. There’s saunas, Bemers, coffee enemas, and much more!
* [04:28] Your information for next year. You can join me for one or two weeks in the Swiss mountains to concentrate on your health. Go to to reserve your spot!
* [06:04] People just like you have gone (and loved it). The inspirational stars of our retreat, my reason for this episode today. I highlight the courageous people who came all the way across the world to spend this time with me and the wonderful medical team to have a healing experience as a group. And a doctor with a plan to change everything (everything parasites, that is).
* [22:08] I listen to you and give answers where I can. A big part of this retreat for me is getting to know you and what you struggle with, worry about, and want help with. Or, what you just want to know! I gave one official talk per week, with a little on some helpful products and supplements.

[Related Article: 10 Amazing Treatments By Europe’s Biological Medicine Doctors (You Can’t Get From Your U.S. Medical Doctor)]