

Ep. 147: Part 2 of “How to Get the Remarkable Benefits of Fasting–Without Going Hungry” with Robyn Openshaw

September 04, 2019

Part 2 of my reading of my new book about how you can get the benefits of fasting, without actually being hungry. The clinical evidence is incredible, and I think modified fasting is possibly the greatest health discovery of this century so far! is where you can get an incredible price on a 3-day Flash Fast, covering all your bases to get the autophagy and regeneration and abdominal weight loss of fasting, while carrying on with life as usual, and eating 5 small meals a day, made for you.
Get The Flash Fast
Sign up for the 26 Day Detox Masterclass


* [01:54] Feed a child in Africa. For every purchase of the Flash Fast, you feed a child in an African village for three days through Mothers Without Borders. While you eat less, you feed a child. less for three days, we feed a child for three days in Africa in these villages Where Mothers Without Borders work.
* [03:41] Let’s dive back in. I jump back in to the major categories of health benefits from fasting and modified fasting, such as improving immune function against cancer cells, improves markers associated with diabetes, neurological health (like multiple sclerosis), heart disease, and increasing your life span.
* [08:15] Should you fast to lose weight? Weight loss is a natural byproduct of fasting, but using it with the intent to cleanse the cells in your body and promote needed autophagy for a better, healthier life is a higher vibration intention. (And, what is autophagy?)
* [10:17] You don’t have to starve with modified fasting. You don’t have to limit yourself to water to obtain the health benefits associated with fasting. Undergoing our 26-day detoxification program can result in biological rewards without the feelings associated with starvation.
* [12:32] You can detox emotionally, too. After major detoxes like fasting, your body can bring up and release emotions that have long been buried. Welcome them to pass through and leave you forever.
* [12:53] Have you heard of a herxheimer? In a fast, your body cleans out toxins. These toxins need to pass through the bloodstream to flush from your body, which can result in cleansing symptoms known as a herxheimer reaction. But, there are ways to help speed this process along.
* [15:06] I tried water fasting without food for 40 days. Here’s what I learned.
* [20:37] Should I try water fasting? There are numerous scientifically-documented benefits of fasting. But, if you undergo a water-only fast or dry fast longer than a day, do it under the supervision of a trusted functional medicine practitioner.

[Related Episode: Ep.74: Fasting for Longevity with Valter Longo]
[Related Blog Post: I Tried Water Fasting Without Food for 40 Days | Here’s What I Learned]
[Related Blog Post: Will a Fasting Diet Give You The Results You Want?]