

Ep. 144: How Much Attention Should We Give Our Genetics? with Dr. Ben Lynch

August 14, 2019

I’ve brought Dr. Ben Lynch back to ask him more detailed questions about what’s going on in functional medicine, using people’s personal genomic information.
Listen to Episode 70
Get the book Dirty Genes


* [08:23] My genes are confusing! Genetic testing can be a great tool to optimize your lifestyle, but it’s usually being used incorrectly because the results are hard to understand, or even frightening.
* [12:47] You have more tools than genetic tests. Your genes are not the only thing determining your fate. What’s your lifestyle like? Do you really need radical treatment based on your results?
* [19:13] Let’s talk Alzheimer’s and APOE. APOE is a gene implicated in the early onset of Alzheimer’s. But if your test shows up positive for this, you actually have more power to make safer life decisions and put the power of your genes in your hands.
* [29:44] Your genes are not a scapegoat. A lot of people are using genetic testing to find a reason why they’re sick. But most often, your genes are not to blame and it’s pointing you down the wrong road. Have you checked your lifestyle fundamentals recently?
* [30:53] What are the doctors doing about this? Most practitioners look at genetic reports and prescribe supplements based on that. But if you’re not “working” that genetic variant very hard, you may not need the supplement, despite what your report says.
* [38:35] Who really benefits from all these supplements? Supplement companies are utilizing genetics to promote the sale of supplements. And they seem like the easy answer. But the easy answer is rarely the best one for our bodies and minds.
* [42:43] Should I get my gene report or not? The answer depends on who you are. Can you talk to an expert, and spend time getting to know your results? If you’re anxious, it might not be in your best interest. Do what fits you best.

[Related episode: Ep. 139: There Are No Bad Genes, Just Variations (How to Work With your Genetics, Not Fight Them) | Interview with Michelle Sands, N.D.]