

Ep. 139: There Are No Bad Genes, Just Variations (How to Work With your Genetics, Not Fight Them) | Interview with Michelle Sands, N.D.

July 10, 2019

You have a specific and unique genetic code. The human body knows how to adapt, change and use its genetic code for survival and growth.  Dr. Michelle Sands gives us a paradigm to work within our genetics.
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Episode Highlights with Dr. Michelle Sands:

* [07:18] Living your diagnosis in the dark. Are you eating well, exercising, and doing all the things you can to be healthy, yet your body does not respond in the way it “should?”
* [8:15] Hope found in unconventional places. Sidestepping conventional medicine can lead to new pathways for your unanswered questions.
* [10:23] STAIN: a paradigm for health. Your body accumulates Stress, Toxins, Allergens, Infections and viruses, and Nutrition deficiency. Empowering yourself, with recognition of STAINs and actions to remove them, can lead to reversal of dysfunction and disease.
* [15:08] Practice makes perfect. Every day you have the opportunity to move closer or further from health. Every thought we have, bite we take, breath we breathe impacts our molecular selves; we never finish helping our beings (and that’s a positive thing).
* [17:51] Mindful meals for a mindful soul. Experience your food; give color and care to your cells. Balance your cleanses and shower your insides with water. Honor the foundations.
* [22:42] Your body makes no mistakes. Don’t limit your view of your body; for almost all of us, there is no such thing as “bad genes.” Just different ones.
* [24:26] What is gene variation? Pt.1 There are upsides to nearly every genetic variation; learn about MTHFR, APOE, COMT, and more. Your diet can help turn off the negative side of variations.
* [28:09] Working with your genetics makes everything easier. Healing, eating, health optimization, supplement choices: all made easier through understanding your genetic self.
* [29:02] A place to start. Genetic sequencing companies to start your path to consultation and understanding of the genes that make up you.
* [32.52] What is gene variation? Pt.2 Further examples of genetic variant upsides: Sickle Cell disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and PCOS. A brief introduction to CRISPR and chemical sensitivities.
* [36:47] Finding your root cause. Your symptoms lead to a dysfunctional part to your whole, but that is not the end; finding the root cause is necessary to reverse your dysfunction and achieve better health.
* [41.09] You are a holistic being. Your condition is more than one aspect of STAIN; build a strong foundation that addresses all before moving to specific programs. Approach your health like anything else important in your life; healing is your responsibility.
* [48:02] How attached are you to your diagnosis? How many times this week have you told someone that you have fill-in-the-blank? Has it become your identity? If it has, how will you put it behind you? Do you know about the nocebo effect?
* [49:56] Dr. Sands final message. The goal is to educate and empower people, rather than disempower, on their genetic being. We have infinite potential, just now scratching the surface of what we understand about our genes, biology, and medicine.