Hidden Secrets to Health

Hidden Secrets to Health

Latest Episodes

Breast Implant Illness - What are the Signs?
May 09, 2019

Have you heard of Breast Implant Illness? It seems like one of those under the radar illnesses, possibly because the effects are different for each person making a diagnosis difficult.

Stress and Hormones- How the DRESS Protocol Works
May 02, 2019

This week Kristina will share her health journey, how stress impacts our hormones and digestive system.

CBD Oil - What are the Benefits and What are the Uses?
April 25, 2019

CBD oil is in the news from Main Stream to the alternative channels, and has become one of the more popular MLM products. So, what does CBD oil actually do?

What is the impact of Cardio Metabolic Disease and Hormone Balance
April 18, 2019

Hormones! We all have them and a significant number of us are out of balance. How do hormones impact our health and performance?

Moving Through Grief
April 11, 2019

We have a real tendency of denying grief, trying to ignore it or brush past it. Sometimes we hold onto it and it becomes who we are, our identity and solace.

Essential Oils- What do they really do?
April 04, 2019

Over the last few years essential oils seem to be on everyone's social media feeds, but what do they really do?

Reversing Chronic Disease
March 28, 2019

Being diagnosed with a chronic disease typically feels like a life sentence. One that will require a litany of medications, and often varying levels of discomfort.

Performing from an Empty Vessel
March 21, 2019

This week Kristina will be sharing her personal health journey, uncovering a deep desire to help others navigate their own healing journey and why it's important to refill your own cup.

What is SIBO?
March 14, 2019

What is SIBO and how do I know if I have this? Chronic pain, particularly in the intestinal region can be from a number of issues.
