Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Crocodile Dundee

November 27, 2015

This is definitely one of the most dramatic examples so far of there being a huge disparity between the movie we all remembered and the film it actually is. There's no question that Crocodile Dundee remains a very beloved property and that its title character is one of the most iconic from this era. Everyone knows the name and everyone can quote a few of the more famous lines. So all three of us were a little surprised to discover that so many aspects of it felt problematic. This is not the episode we imagined we'd end up with when we picked this one. Topics include: what playing Crocodile Dundee as a kid might have looked like, the problem with not giving either of your main characters any flaws, how much Chris likes the unconventional structure of the story and why Carlos thinks it should have been split into two films, the way Sue and her boyfriend suddenly become different people in the second half, the fact that even stories with low stakes still need conflict, a lot of pitches for more effective versions of this premise, and much much more!