Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

The Monster Squad

October 16, 2015

It's so surprising and awesome that The Monster Squad has been one of most requested titles from our listeners. Although the film received a lukewarm response when it was released in the summer of 1987, it quietly amassed a dedicated following in the ensuing years and is now regarded as a bona fide cult hit. Carlos wasn't able to join us for this episode, so Mike from The Sunnydale Stacks sat in to discuss how we all first discovered the movie and how well it's held up over repeated viewings. Topics include: how licensing issues prevented the filmmakers from using the more traditional cinematic depictions of these monsters and why it actually worked in their favor, the incredible cast of kids they assembled, some questions about why Rudy's hanging around, a more effective way the squad might have been formed, Eugene's allegiance to the confederacy, the pitch-perfect tone, the amazing creature effects, and much much more!