Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?


October 02, 2015

By the summer of 1996, the era of high-concept movies where special effects took center stage was in full swing. It was a crowded slate, but the hype surrounding Twister was bolstered by the involvement of Jurassic Park alumni Steven Spielberg and Michael Crichton. All three of us were completely blown away (rimshot!) by the film as kids, but there's a whole lot about it that doesn't make much sense now. Topics include: the supposedly troubled production, the incredibly memorable trailer, a clumsy first act that might have benefited from dropping a few of these characters, the over-the-top sound design, whether or not the effects hold up, cell phone reception in the middle of a storm, vindictive tornadoes, the absolutely ludicrous final moments, and much much more!