Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Camp Nowhere

July 10, 2015

Kristen from The Sunnydale Stacks sits in with the HDYR gang this week to discuss one of her childhood favorites - Camp Nowhere. Chris, Donna, and Carlos were a little hazy on the details, but all of them remember enjoying it to varying degrees as kids. As adults? Well... they found that there wasn't a single moment that made a lick of sense, but some of it was so utterly bonkers that it was still pretty fun. Topics include: the difference between what the script is telling us about our main characters vs what we're actually seeing, the problem with having all of them get along for the entire movie, what these parents are really up to every summer, the career Christopher Lloyd should have had post-Back to the Future, the unnecessary romantic subplot with the doctor and her reaction to these events, the decision to have every Parents Day all at once, and much much more!