Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Saved by the Bell - Part I

January 23, 2015

Boy oh boy did we all adore Saved by the Bell when we were kids. Donna thought this is exactly what high school was going to be like. Chris and Carlos knew better, but actually loved the show because of how heightened and ridiculous  it was. As we got older, it didn't take long to figure out that this series was objectively pretty awful and that most of these kids were terrible people. And yet - we remain incredibly fond of it. Listen in as we attempt to figure out why...

Topics include: the show's origins as Good Morning Miss Bliss, the various spin-offs and TV movies that kept the Saved by the Bell brand alive for years after the original series ended, how disturbing it is that no one involved with this seemed to notice that all of these characters were dangerous sociopaths, the murky sense of morality that undermines a lot of the lessons these episodes were trying to teach us, the secret truth about Bayside's miniscule number of students, why the show is at its best when it commits to being a live-action cartoon, and much much more!

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