Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

The Net

January 09, 2015

So this was a first... a movie none of us had ever seen prior to this episode. Donna had been hearing for years that it was completely insane and thought it might be fun to look back at what our perception of the internet was circa 1995. The only problem is that even twenty years ago, no one was taking The Net seriously.

It did manage to make a handful of very accurate predictions about where this technology was headed, but for the most part its an aggressive assault on common sense. That's not what made this it such a chore to get through though. It's biggest problem is that it's a thriller that isn't thrilling. It's a boring mess that spends the majority of its running time spinning its wheels.

Topics include: what scared us about the internet when we were kids, certain elements the writers could have borrowed from films like Vertigo or Rear Window that would have made Angela's dilemma more compelling,  how a fundamental misunderstanding of Internet 101 completely invalidates what the villains are after here, the importance of a second opinion when it comes to major medical diagnosis, why this group of terrorists feels the need to leave a calling card on their super secret web page, the endless parade of limp and repetitive action scenes, the fact that the bad guys had nothing to fear from Angela until they started chasing her, and much much more!

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