Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Flight of the Navigator

November 14, 2014

Everyone was incredibly hazy on the details of Flight of the Navigator's plot, but Donna did remember that even as a kid she wished the scope of the story were a bit bigger. Carlos thought that it was and realized that he had invented a completely fictional version of this film in his mind. Chris knew that the main character was transported 8 years into the future and that a spaceship was involved, but couldn't recall how those story threads connected.

And now that they know? Well, you could probably make a strong argument that there are two really great premises here that are sort of awkwardly squashed together.

Topics include: how long it takes David to get on board the spaceship and why Chris actually liked all of that build up, the lack of any real "bad guys" and a debate about how well that approach works here, the abrupt shift in tone once the robot A.I. turns into Pee-Wee Herman, how brief David's time on the ship really is and how little he does with it, and much much more!

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