Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?


October 17, 2014

Now that the original Scream is as old as the late 70s/early 80s slashers it was satirizing, it seemed like a good time to revisit it and see how well it works today. The film was a breath of fresh air for the horror genre back in 1996, but the onslaught of imitators it inspired might make it difficult to remember just how groundbreaking and controversial it was.

Chris grew up on horror films and appreciated all of Scream's references and the statements it was making on the genre. Carlos wasn't a big fan of these types of movies, but still understood that this was more than just a standard slasher and loved it for that reason. Donna hated being scared and avoided the film until she was forced to watch it for this episode.

Topics include: the resurgence of slashers in the late 90s and how quickly that trend ran its course, Carlos' only issue with the otherwise incredible opening scene, why the film is still disturbing despite the fact that there's more gore on network TV these days, how much Donna dislikes Randy and a debate about how authentic the character actually is, the observation that the movie starts strong and ends strong and very little happens in between, some thoughts on where the horror genre is now and the sorts of observations further Scream sequels should be making, and much much more!

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