Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

What About Bob?

July 04, 2014

Donna and Carlos were both too stressed out by Bob's behavior to enjoy this 1991 comedy when they were children. They were on Dr. Marvin's side 100% and couldn't understand what was so hard about just following simple rules and respecting people's boundaries. We'll call this "The Problem Child Phenomenon". Chris was already a teenager by the time he saw the movie so he didn't have that problem (and suspects he wouldn't have as a kid either).

Donna and Carlos eventually grew to love it as well, but the one thing we were most surprised by as adults was just how unabashedly awful the character of Dr. Marvin is. Chris remembered it as more of an Odd Couple situation where you sympathize with both of them at different points in the story. Nope. Not even a little. Leo's the worst.

For Carlos this raises an important question - who are we really rooting for here? And why? Chris thinks that the screenwriter believed Leo was the protagonist, the director believed it was Bob, and that both of them were wrong.

The movie is still hilarious and we all laughed out loud A LOT, but the bungled relationship between the two leads drastically changed our feelings on the actual story - especially once it reached its bizarre and totally unearned conclusion. 

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