Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Ghostbusters II

May 23, 2014

When Chris and Carlos discovered that Donna thought Ghostbusters II was better than the original, they knew it was time to revisit the film and investigate this controversial stance. They learn that she saw this one before its predecessor and Chris suspects that may have gone a long way in covering up some of the movie's more glaring issues. Donna stands firm though and a spirited discussion about which entry is superior ensues.

Topics include: the problematic conceit of the opening scenes, Vigo the Carpathian vs Gozer the Destructor, why it took half a decade for this follow-up to come together, how the success of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon influenced the tone of this film, what exactly Egon did with that slime, our love of Winston and our frustration with how this series treats him, why "disappointing" isn't the same thing as "bad", and much much more!

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