Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

A League of Their Own

April 25, 2014

After a run of some less than stellar films, the HDYR gang decided to try and lift their spirits by revisiting A League of Their Own - a movie they all loved as kids and have continued to adore as adults. For Donna, it was the spark that ignited a feminist flame. For Carlos, it was a sports movie with the perfect blend of heart and laughs. And for Chris, it was the inspiration to try and start his own baseball league (with predictably disastrous results).

Topics include: Madonna's tie-in song that took over the world, the disappointing A League of Their Own TV show, some disagreements about the effectiveness of the film's final moments, Chris' problem with the fact that the focus is on Dottie when Kitt really should be the protagonist, deleted scenes that change some of the core character dynamics, and much much more!

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